
aw_hcaposter_lille.gif aw_todamerposter_lille.gif aw_pjerotposter_lille.gif aw_molleposter_lille.gif
Hans Christian Andersen  2 women around a tree  Pjerrot with swans
and buildings
 Miller with dancing
girl and sandman
aw_bertrix_lille.gif aw_elisabeth_lille.gif aw_magrethe_lille.gif aw_ntombi_lille.gif
 Queen Beatrix  Queen Elisabeth  Queen Magrethe

Queen Ntombi


The two series of posters with the Danish fairy teller Hans Christian Andersen and his paper cuts and the series with the 4 reigning queens of the world represent some of the latest work of Andy Warhol. The posters were released shortly after his death, and they are sold exclusively by Art & Photo Denmark.

Hornegyden 17
DK-5600 Faaborg

+45 23 37 81 65